
[Exclusive] Hard Candy Report!

Our reader TheMaterialBoy75, aka Pedro, sent us his report from the visit to the coming-soon Madonna's Hard Candy Fitness Center in Mexico City.
Here's what he tells us:

Right now, in 47 DE BOSQUES DE DURAZNOS street in Mexico City, there's a pre-subscribe module, where people can pay one month membership and get full access to the gym, with the possibility of leaving it anytime, without any additional fees. The price is 7.200 pesos (around $600).
The price of the membership will go up to 10 000 pesos (around $800) from November.
If you get your membership card now, you can get your chance to attend opening party on November 29th, where Madonna herself will be present. Number of people who can get to the party is limited, depending on the demand and the space where the party will be held.
Paying the membership would be the only way for everyone to attend the party.

Below is the bussiness card of the advisor who assisted me:

Many thanks to TheMaterialBoy75!


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