News in Brief
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- Our friends at MadonnaTribe report some good news!
There has been quite a buzz lately about chances for one of the most sought-after pieces of Madonna's career as a performer to finally see the light of day, and we're happy to share three great pieces of news with you.
MadonnaTribe can exclusively reveal that not only one but three Madonna tour concerts are going to have special new releases in the near future.
Not only the long-awaited Blond Ambition Tour is now set for release on both DVD and Blu Ray, but also the whole Virgin Tour concert and a remastered Girlie Show!
These are new releases Warner have been working on for a while, and the time has finally come for them to hit the stores.
This is the sort of news likely to make many Madonna fans' day, even though we also have to add that the there is nothing planned at this point for another gem, Madonna's Reinvention Tour.
- Meanwhile, Guy Oseary, Madonna's manager, took to his Twitter account today to clear up recent rumors regarding Madge.
"Madonna will not be at Grammys. I have no idea where the rumor of a live dvd box set is coming from," he said, adding: "The update is that Madonna can't wait to get into the recording studio. This will happen as soon as she finishes the movie she directed."
Guy also stated that there is no such thing as a "box set," set for release, but he still did not deny that the three will be released individually!
(diva report)
- Madonna, the pop singer-turned-director, will be in Berlin this Saturday to present footage from her W.E. to overseas distributors. Sales agent IM Global will be screening clips to around 200 invited guests but has held back from making any pre-sales until now. This is a tactic which IM Global used successfully before with A Single Man. “We think distributors are going to get a huge buzz out of the quality of what they will see," IM Global CEO Stuart Ford tells me. "Sometimes there’s no substitute for letting the footage and the filmmaker speak for themselves." W.E. stars Abbie Cornish as a modern-day New Yorker obsessed with the royal love story between Britain’s King Edward VII (James D'Arcy) and American divorcee Wallis Simpson (Andrea Riseborough). The pic is still in post and will be for several months.
- New Zealand’s succesful photographer Regan Cameron, in an interview to the New Zeland's Herald , explains how shooting Madonna for the InStyle magazine in 2001 was the real turning point of his career.
"To me you couldn't get anyone more famous. The Pope maybe. You lifted up the camera, and suddenly they're in your camera and it's quite odd."
Despite his predictions otherwise, the star let Cameron direct the shoot. "It was really interesting because I was quite nervous, thinking, 'she's not going to listen to a word I say' but she was totally, 'what do you want me to do?' Obviously that's why she's at the top - she works with people she trusts. A big part of [this job] is working that trust level up as fast as possible, otherwise if they think you're going to make them look like a sack of potatoes, it's not going to work."
Madonna liked one of his images so much she used it on her Drowned Tour posters and GHV2 compilation cd.